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A soulful poem by Ramesh, a Coronavirus warrior, a doctor who succumbed to Covid-19, exclusively for Different Truths.

He departed from the unkind world
In the most pitiful manner
Leaving his bungalows and his wife
He also left even his loving children
He took care of his patients
Till yesterday all grieved for him
They kept wicks bright in the eyes
For his arrival and his caring look
Their sleepless eyes waited for him
They implored him in various ways
During the incubation period of the virus
They anxiously expected his arrival
They often bore grinding grief
They eased the burden on their heads
He took care of patients day and night
And his body gave the room for the virus
In the final battle he yielded to the virus
None will come for him
None will stand in front of his room
They won’t find him in their eyes
Praying hands hide hither and thither
He has nothing to do with
This disease-stricken world
He left for the place
Where he needs no doctor.

(Translated from Telugu by Manthena Damodara Chary)

Photo from the Internet

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