
The Magic of Spring: Awaken Heart’s Vibrant Composition

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Sara delves into the intricate interplay between the heart’s emotions and the natural world’s metamorphoses during the cyclical seasons, exclusively for Different Truths.

In springtime's sprouts, my heart awakes,
A composition of life it makes.
With hope and joy, it starts to sing.
Cuddling every vibrant thing.
The summer The sun beats with fire.
Burning passions desire higher.
In love's embrace, it finds its way,
Through endless nights and sunny days.
Then autumn comes, a gentle breeze,
A golden carpet of multiple leaves.
My heart let go of what's been gone.
Yes! In quiet moments, it mourns.
As winter Frost begins to grasp.
My heart finds solace in the clasp.
Reflecting on the journey's length,
It finds its strength in silent strength.
Through season four, my heart does roam.
A haven called "home."
With every change, it learns to rhyme,
A rhythm shaped by passing time.

Picture design by Anumita Roy

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1 Comment
  1. Azam Gill 6 months ago

    Uplifting and meticulously crafted!

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