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Anoucheka wonders if the Gods are angry as the pandemic becomes severe. A dark poem, exclusively for Different Truths.

The Gods have come to Earth
As giant poles of burning flames
Ready to engulf and consume
Anyone who would dare confront them
With the fact
That humans rule it here
And that they are to be left alone!

The Gods, ever so hungry for
The freshness of souls
Have started their rampage
By walking from one end of the world
To another while their stomachs rumble
For more and more of their food
Even if the whole human population
Is slowly being eradicated!

Why, is this what I have been searching for?
Asked I as I get busy digging myself
A pit to hide in
The Gods’ essence and their truth
Have been my sole aim
I always thought
They would be as soothing
As would be a calm pond
Gurgling with the sweetness
Of a nearby waterfall
And inhabited by nymphs
Who keeps being basked in the love
All-day long!

And now,
As I jump into my pit
And close it with solid mud
I wonder
At why I exist
In a world which has tricked me
Into believing that it could
Contain a tiny ounce of goodness!

The Gods of fire are approaching
And should they find me not
I wonder at what I would see
Someday after I dare get out of my pit
If not
I guess I would hand in hand with Death
And continue on the path
Thrust upon me
But for which I was never given a choice!

Photo from the Internet

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