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An evocative and poignant poem about life’s journey that Dr. Molly takes us through, exclusively for Different Truths.

I take you all with me,
the morns that woke up with me 
for the much-awaited dawns…
the nights of languid slumber endured in
dreams of delirious pain and pleasure… 
I take you all with me...

the flowers who smiled and waved,
the touch-me-nots that winked to pave way,
the doting eyes that followed as blessings and care,
those shadows that fell on my way
I take you all with me...

the sweet faces puckered in smiles unconditional,
the love that bye its way round the corner,
and the call from behind 
that echoed to fade,
I take you all with me.

The crimson red cheeks
of the blushing eve,
the moody moon’s peep
into waters serene, 
the dream that fell and broke
on the cheek like the teardrop,
I take you all with me...

content, grateful to receive, 
having received,
there it flows, my journey...

Visual by Different Truths

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