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An evocative poem about spring that transcends from the mundane to divine, by Vinita  – an exclusive for Different Truths. 

line of the landscape

run through me to somewhere else - Zoë Skoulding
Earth in spring
wide slits of tulip red over carnation crimson
fiercely yellow laburnum
secret-purple jacaranda
Once a tree, a tree forever,
crowding headfirst into each other
fingers of roots in a handclasp underground
Brahm and Mozart
Spilling into the cosmos
Wafting over freshly mown grass
Antiseptic sunlight
musk of calyx
heavy notes of mango blossoms ripening summer moods

Seeds speaking
to the terracotta fragrance of soil
bursting into a language understood by all

The rhythm of spring - smooth as alabaster
turning land from a barren brown to alizarin green.
Father so taken, he prays every time he spots a bird.

Picture design Anumita Roy

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