
Life Renewed: Unveiling the Promise of Growth

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Sara’s evocative verse explores nature’s cyclical dance, exclusively for Different Truths.

Blossoms unfurl and colors are infinite,
As spring emerges, it is a breathtaking sight.
Summer arrives with its warm, golden kiss,
Filled with endless misses and days of pure bliss,
Leaves turn to gold in the crisp autumn air,
A tapestry woven beyond compare
The world transforms into hues of red and gold,
A wonder to witness, a sight to behold.
Winter descends, a tranquil retreat,
A blanket of snow, a hushed, silent beat
Yet beneath the surface, life starts anew
a promise of growth, a cycle so true.
With each changing season, a lesson we glean,
Embracing life's shifts is like a vivid dream.
In the dance of the Earth, as time rearranges,
Amidst the golden hues of autumn's embrace,
A melancholy dance unfolds with grace.
Leaves, like teardrops, gently fall to the ground,
Whispering the secrets of a world unbound
Summer's warmth has bid its fond adieu.
As whispered winds bring forth a sombre hue,
The vibrant blooms, once full of life's delight,
Now bow their heads, surrendering to the night.
The sun, now distant, casts a feeble light,
As shadows lengthen, embracing the night,
The air grows cold, a shiver down the spine,
A symphony of sorrow, a whispered line
Yet, in this fading season’s mournful song,
A beauty lingers, though the days grow long.
For change, though bittersweet, unveils its art,
A canvas painted with a tender heart
So let the tears of autumn gently fall,
A tale of transformation, known to all,
In sadness, there's a beauty to behold,
A story of a season, once vibrant, now grown old.

Picture design by Anumita Roy

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