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An inward-looking poem, by Anouncheka, exclusively for Different Truths.

I confess,
I may not be that good a person
As I pretend to be!

I confess,
I may not be that white lily
That I groom myself to look like!

I confess,
I have flaws,
I hide cracks,
I need solidification,
I need guidance,
And most of all,
Yours, yours solely, Love!

I confess,
I kept away from men
All this time
Because the skies wished it be so!

I confess,
I was whispered of your name
In dreams
Which I have had at the break of dawn
And which made life seem
To be a cosy
As is a cartoon movie
Filled with wellbeing, joy and peace of mind!

I confess,
It may all seem to be like madness
But then,
I do choose to grope on to it
What is the essence of life
If not made of madness?
People run after false pleasures
Only to end their lives disillusioned
And to leave their bodies,
Empty handed!

I confess,
It makes me weak
And I know not if I shall hold on till the end,
The soothe of death lies at hand
Seeming to be so like a painkiller
To a lady grippling with feminine pain!

I confess,
I believe in you, love,
I believe that you are fallen,
For my sake,
A forsaken God, inhabiting
An ignorant human’s body
Amnesic to His origin!

I confess,
I want you to believe in me
As if
My words were bellowed from the skies!

I confess,
I am broken, torn, cracked
And imperfect
I swear
I love you,
It’s you and it’s gonna have to be you
And nobody else!

Photo from the Internet

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