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Shormita tells us about trans-women and how they are different from women. An exclusive for Different Truths.

Transwoman are born as male, later they feel like a woman – which might be explained as he feels that he is trapped in a wrong body. After a certain age, a transwoman’s innermost self, desires to live as a woman. They want to enjoy womanhood and motherhood like other women.

Moreover, a trans-child in their tender age does not understand the gender binary system. They are in a mental dilemma due to their in-between gender identity. Although, the cisgender women do not accept the transwomen as a part of their set. According to females, transgenders or transwomen are men, who disguise themselves in female attire to gain the attention of the public or men.

Moreover, a trans-child in their tender age does not understand the gender binary system. They are in a mental dilemma due to their in-between gender identity.

Some of the transwomen are good looking, gorgeous, and attractive, quite like a woman. Several people get confused with their appearance as they look exactly like a woman and behave like a woman. The transwomen wear saree, bindi, bangles, necklace, earrings, sandal, vermilion, mangalsutra, kajal, mascara, lipstick, etc. to look beautiful and tempting in the eyes of the men. For their profession, which is dancing, singing, sex-work or begging, they need to be dressed up like a woman to gain attention and earn money for their livelihood.

On the other hand, a woman is the most beautiful creation of God. In a country like India, women are worshipped in the form of Goddesses Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Parvati, Kali, etc. Many goddesses worshipped in India; even Mother Nature is referred to as a female. In society, a woman is referred as pure, holy, sacred, and a beautiful human being, who is blessed with a power to give birth to a new human being.

Transwomen do not menstruate in their lifetime, even after their sex change operation.

Sadly, transwomen do not have the privilege to embrace motherhood. Transwomen do not menstruate in their lifetime, even after their sex-change operation. They cannot produce children biologically, but in recent times, many transwomen are adopting children to become the mother of an orphan child so that they could contribute to improving the life of a child. Gauri Sawant is a transgender rights activist. She aims to bring positive change in the society i.e., a trans-inclusive society. She has adopted a girl child named Gayatri. Gayatri’s birth mother passed away after her birth, and then Gauri took the child and took care of her like her own child. She even opened a shelter home for girl children and trans-child, which is known as Nani ka Ghar. (Haldar) Gauri Sawant says, ‘Motherhood is beyond gender; it is more of a behaviour.’ (Barua)

Sadly, the transwomen do not have the privilege to embrace motherhood. PC: Anumita C Roy

Transwomen also aren’t safe. Predators do not discriminate.

However, there is similarity between women and transwomen on the grounds of sexual harassment. It is best known to us that women are being sexually assaulted or raped, a horrible truth in the society. Shockingly, transwomen also face sexual violence at an alarming rate. Transwomen also aren’t safe. Predators do not discriminate. They just want the pleasures of the body, whether woman or transwoman, both are same for them. We need to create an environment, which is safe for every human being, regardless of their gender, caste, religion, colour, creed, or race. Thus, female gender and transgender are human beings and both deserve equal respect in the society.

Works Cited

·         Barua, Ananya. ‘Motherhood is beyond gender, says Pune’s first transgender mother Gauri Sawant.’ Hindustan Times: May 14, 2018. 03:37 PM IST. www.hindustantimes.com/pune-news/motherhood-is-beyond-gender-says-pune-s-first-transgender-mother-gauri-sawant/story-26uEhEvEqqXmXKuwcVfu1I.html

·         Haldar, Arpita. ‘Meet India’s first transgender mother: Gauri Sawant.’ The Asian Age: May 12, 2019. 3:42 PM IST. www.asianage.com/life/more-features/120519/meet-indias-first-transgender-mother-gauri-sawant.html

·         “Responding to Transgender Victims of Sexual Assault.” Office for Victims Crime: June, 2014. ovc.ojp.gov/sites/g/files/xyckuh226/files/pubs/forge/sexual_numbers.html

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