Fairs & Festivals Religion Special Feature

Existential Spirituality: Confluence of Good Friday, Vishu & Ramadan

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dr. Molly tells us about essential spirituality. On Friday (April 15) this year, there was a confluence of Good Friday, Vishu, and Ramadan. A Special Feature exclusively for Different Truths.

This month of April 2022 is unique when on the one Friday (15th April) in the Holy month of Ramadan, it is Good Friday for Christians and the Day of Vishu(for Hindus in Kerala) … all auguring hope and promise through universal love, sacrifice and sharing.

What does it point at? No matter whatever our belief, religious faith, all roads lead to Rome.  Universal love, peace, togetherness. During Ramadan, by cutting short bits from your lavish spending, practicing minimalism, frugality you spare much for the needy and deserving ones…

… making suffering turn into sacrifice and resurrecting into a new world of bliss and peace, the Friday turns into  Good Friday.

By showing the example of self effacing love for humankind, making suffering turn into sacrifice and resurrecting into a new world of bliss and peace, the Friday turns into  Good Friday.

Vishu is the harbinger of all that is auspicious to start, a year of plenty and you wake up opening your eyes to the sight of the yellow blossoms (Vishu flowers of the season) decked with the bounty of nature, heaps rice, vegetables, fruits, what not, on a platter in front of you! One more thing. There is a small mirror placed in the midst. A reminder, you look at yourself, is it a “new you” with a heart brimming over with love of everyone, everything?

Yes, that’s what Existential Spirituality is all about. When your mind lies scattered in things, when it grows coextensive with the universe no matter which ever faith you are in…

Yes, that’s what Existential Spirituality is all about. When your mind lies scattered in things, when it grows coextensive with the universe no matter which ever faith you are in, you are turning spiritual.  The streak of humanism permeates and with kind eyes you look at man, the animal, the flora and the fauna, the sky the stars, the rock the worm. Each has its place in the scheme of things. It shirks off the veil of familiarity, taken for granted over things and of course invests all with its own right to exist. Yes, let us bask ourselves in that glow of enlightenment. We can usher in a world without war, without greed, domination.

Let us all stand for it, foster it, Existential Spirituality.

Picture design by Anumita Roy, Different Truths

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    jERNAIL SINGH 2 years ago

    Beautifully expressed..Kudos to you dearDr Molly Joseph

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    Hema Ravi 2 years ago

    In simple language, you have brought out the essence of spirutuality..Kudos!

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    Dr. Molly Joseph 2 years ago

    Thank you so much Dr. Jernail ji..
    Together let us strive hard to foster such a genial attitude based on humanism to heal the ills of the world

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