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An evocative love poem at paranormal dimension, by Lipsa, exclusively for Different Truths.

Let us set a date for when I finally go
Into the barren wretchedness
Of being and not being.
I don’t want to search left and right for you
I have done that in this life
And with little yield.

Let us set a date to meet
On the red mound where many suns have died
And tell each other how we lived
Varied lives that never seemed ours.

Let us hear that ghost of a sun
Speak of how it shone,
The lives it bore and the lives it took
Let us and then keep mum.
Maybe we’ll see a passer-by, on her way to better things.
It is the best seat in the house
To see the paranormally mundane.

If life was bad, death isn’t much better
Here are the same ladders and planes, lines and curves.
Men have gone and men have come
Men have spun in and out.
Is there anything better than this?
My sweet man, I might ask
Isn’t there anything better than this?

I wish I knew.
If our spirits blended, maybe I would.

Photo from the Internet

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