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AI and AMD reshape the news media, though with pitfalls. Are transparency, ethics, and collaboration the keys to a responsible future? Arindam shares insights exclusively with Different Truths

The meteoric rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and automated decision-making (ADM) systems has caused a seismic shift in the news media landscape. This revolution promises unparalleled efficiency, personalisation, and reach, but it also casts a complex shadow of challenges that demand careful navigation and proactive solutions.

The Key Technologies Shaping the Future

·       Generative AI: Algorithms are becoming adept at crafting hyper-realistic text, images, and videos, blurring the lines between fact and fiction. This ability to mimic human-produced information poses a critical threat to the authenticity and reliability of news sources, raising questions like: How can we distinguish genuine content from AI-generated fabrications? (Brundage et al., 2023)

·       Algorithmic Curation and Personalisation: Newsfeeds and content recommendations are increasingly tailored by algorithms, creating personalised experiences that can inadvertently lead to echo chambers. This raises concerns about whether users are exposed to diverse perspectives, or whether they are trapped in filter bubbles that reinforce their existing biases. (Nguyen, 2023)

AI-powered tools expedite content moderation, filtering out harmful material.

·       Automated Content Moderation: AI-powered tools expedite content moderation, filtering out harmful material. While this is undoubtedly beneficial, it also carries the risk of censorship and the suppression of legitimate expression. The challenge lies in: How can we strike a balance between protecting users from harmful content and upholding freedom of expression in the digital realm? (Klein & Ananny, 2020)

·       Automated Journalism: Robots are now writing articles and generating reports, raising questions about the future of journalism. This technological advancement forces us to re-examine: What role will human intuition, empathy, and contextual understanding play in storytelling in the age of automated journalism? (Franklin, 2021)

The Challenges and Considerations

·       Misinformation and Authenticity: The ability to generate indistinguishable AI content fuels the spread of misinformation, making it increasingly difficult to discern truth from fiction. Consumers and news organisations alike must grapple with: How can we develop reliable methods for verifying the authenticity of information in this new landscape?

·       Bias and Echo Chambers: Algorithmic curation can exacerbate existing biases, leading to the creation of echo chambers where users are primarily exposed to information that reinforces their existing beliefs. This poses a threat to: How can we ensure a diverse and balanced flow of information, fostering a well-informed and critical public discourse?

How can we ensure that automated journalism adheres to ethical principles…?

·       Ethical Dilemmas in Automated Journalism: As AI takes on reporting roles, concerns around journalistic standards, accountability, and the potential for emotional detachment arise. We must address: How can we ensure that automated journalism adheres to ethical principles and preserves the core values of accuracy, objectivity, and human empathy in storytelling?

Proactive Solutions for Responsible Integration

·       Transparency in Algorithms: Demystifying algorithmic processes, especially in content curation and personalisation, is crucial. This involves providing users with insights into how algorithms operate, promoting trust and mitigating unintentional bias.

·       Ethical Guidelines for Automated Journalism: Establishing clear and comprehensive ethical guidelines for automated journalism is essential. These guidelines should address accuracy, accountability, and the preservation of human values in storytelling, ensuring that AI complements journalism without compromising ethical standards.

·       Collaboration for Responsible AI Development: Fostering collaboration between technologists, journalists, ethicists, and policymakers is vital for responsible AI development. This interdisciplinary approach can lead to solutions that address ethical, social, and professional considerations.


The integration of AI and ADM in news media is inevitable.

The integration of AI and ADM in news media is inevitable. However, navigating this transformation requires a cautious and proactive approach. We must harness the potential of these technologies while mitigating the risks. By prioritising transparency, developing ethical frameworks, and fostering collaboration, we can ensure that AI empowers a responsible, unbiased, and authentic information ecosystem for the future of news and media.


1.      Brundage, M., Etzioni, O., & Amodei, D. (2023). Artificial intelligence safety: A white paper. arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.00606.

2.      Eubanks, V. (2018). Automating inequality: How high-tech tools are changing the way we live. John Wiley & Sons.

3.      Franklin, B. (2021). Will robots take the news? Artificial intelligence and the future of journalism. Oxford University Press.

4.      Klein, R., & Ananny, M. (2020). Surveillance capitalism: The constitution of the quantified self. Polity.

5.      Nguyen, D. (2023). Algorithmic curation in news and media: A critical perspective. Communication Theory, 33(2), 150-

Picture design by Anumita Roy

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    shuvayu bhattacharjee 4 months ago

    The music industry, like all places, is scared of the use of AI. Especially today when any human voice can be used in any song. Since 2015-2016 it has become a common practice to fix out-pitched notes using auto-tune on live streams. Now that will become better for AI algorithm. Therefore, the tendency to sing without learning music is likely to increase. It is more likely that the singer will be promoted than the song will be promoted. People who become famous by making reels on social media are regularly invited to various TV and reality shows, even in movies they are given the opportunity to act keeping their followers in mind. But those who have learned acting, practiced day after day, are deprived. If this system continues, it will increase the number of mediocre artists and bad artists. Which does not bode well for the future.

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      Arindam Roy 4 months ago

      This is worrisome. However, once the dust of excitement settles, chaff will be separated from the grain.

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    Azam Gill 4 months ago

    An excellent synthesis and timely warning to anticipate and preempt accruing negatives.

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      Arindam Roy 4 months ago

      Thank you, Azam ji.

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    ANOOP CHATTERJEE 4 months ago

    The writeup is a very important thought and very well nuanced in this ever evolving world of technology. Since I am into Films & TV where AI has entered in a major way which is both a and bane; so I am considering the writeup as point of discussion.
    First the big question is the reliability of AI and can it be doctored as per the desired result; second, can AI be of universal nature.
    With the rapid growth of AI in every field I personally feel the human cognitive process becomes secondary and only algorithm takes it to the final output. Yes it is a thoughtful topic which needs constant debate.

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      Arindam Roy 4 months ago

      Thanks, Anoop for your observations. AI is at its nascent state but it has proved to be disruptive across several media platforms and industries. We need to weigh its boon and bane, objectively. A hybrid model might emerge to benefit all. However, we need to be careful of its misuse and abuse. Awareness debates and legislations are the way out, I feel. Thanks for your critique.

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