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An evocative woman-centric poem by Sarala that exposes the brutality of traditions, the patriarchal system, for Different Truths.

She dreamt of a
Beautiful life
But all she got was
Threats n beatings
Kicked till she bled
Her face disfigured
Her vermilion smudged
In her own tears
She bled, yes she bled
No one to care
No one to love
She is abused
Mentally and
All her dreams
They burnt in the
Pyre burning high
All her dreams too
Thrown away
Into the pyre going
up in smoke!
O man stop this
Inhuman ways
Of your satiating
your hunger
For lust
Give her a life
Don’t burn
Her body and
In the raging fire!

©Sarala Balachandran

Photos from the Internet

#Poem #Life #Fire #Dream #Brutality #Traditions #DifferentTruths

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Sarala Balachandran
Sarala Balachandran was working with an import-export organisation in the administrative department for 38 years. She retired eleven years back. Married, with two sons aged 43 and 36, she took interest in writing recently. She writes free verses.

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