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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Anumita ventures into the conflicts of her inner world, seeking answers in this poignant poem.

The lines on my sheet, what do these draw?
The dreams that had played below my eyelids all night
The thoughts that were so deep, even I could not touch
The anguish I go through, when in pain, which I fight
The lazy pleasure of being loved all over and so much.               

The line on my face, what do these tell?
The sweet memories of childhood and laughter
The ever coming tide of smiles and tears
The collection of people, who really matter
The scars of those, who even dare to render jeers

The lines on my notebook, what do these say?
The stories my heart have woven and even more
The hard work for my children I proudly own
The scribbles of feeling, still not full to the core
The figures of my imagination to appear and show

The lines on my hand, what do these point?
The way my life is bound or I make it suffice.
The predictions of my love life is there to stay
The position of Jupiter or Venus will rise
The time and day all the stars will get to play

The lines on my life, what do these convey?
The direction I am heading in a steady pace
The destination of love, I so ardently desire
The life I have come to make and aspire
The pictures of all my dear one’s face

Lines are many and so are their stories…
They move and curve in sensuous abandon
They leave marks behind, of histories
Lines needs to be felt and fathomed
Ending at the origin, in a full circle.


©Anumita Roy

Pix from Net.

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