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Here’s a soulful poem about the innocent questions that an autistic child asks his mamma (mother). Sarala pens this poem in the month on autism awareness, for Different Truths.

Mamma am I different from others?
Mamma why do I love you so much
And do not want to part with you with my sisters?
So what mamma, I love to sit quietly
In my room and play with my toys
And watch movies
So what mamma?
Why do teachers tell me I can’t study?
I love to study mamma, but with you
I don’t like school and the noise there
And some make fun of me
Why mamma?
I love sports and like to run
In the marathon and win prizes!
But no school for me mamma
I will study with you mamma!
Please don’t send me to school
I will come first under your care, mamma!
Sometimes I can’t understand
What the teachers say and when
I ask again, they laugh at me!
Why so mamma?
What’s wrong with me mamma?
I know I am alright!

©Sarala Balachandran

Photo from the internet.

#Autism #MotherAndChild #Poem #SpecialNeeds #DifferentTruths

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