
Three Reasons why Women Need to Safeguard Themselves through Self-Defence

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Ritambhara tells us how self-defence techniques are important for women. We are introducing a new weekly column, every Monday, Three Questions. A Different Truths Exclusive.

In the present scenario, “Women Empowerment” and “Gender Equality” are nothing more than frenzied fancies. It is perturbing; women can’t move around freely on the roads at night without the fear of defilement as the criminal activities are soaring and every woman has espoused the fact that they need to safeguard themselves in precarious circumstances. To combat encounters with miscreants, women are required to be decked up with necessary gear and develop abilities to tackle them through self-defence techniques. Let us enumerate some of the points as to why it is imperative to take regular self-defence classes in the present scenario where women have all the rights that are infringed and they no longer feel safe.

  1. Helps in Handling the Miscreants with Great Aplomb 

Learning self-defence techniques helps in imbibing self-confidence and women can approach nudnicks in a better way rather than being meek. One doesn’t require being a sportsperson to go for self-defence techniques. In fact, all females should be encouraged to take up these classes to build endurance and safeguard themselves when the need arises. This would keep them healthy and a healthy mind thrives in a healthy body. The self-defence techniques, designed for all ages irrespective of their physique, learned would inculcate in them alertness to deal with unpleasant situations or attack from the miscreants.

  1. Inculcates a Sense of Self-discipline in an Individual 

The self-defence classes not only ensure that the trainees get fully equipped with vital techniques pertaining to self-defence, but also inculcate discipline in every aspect of their life. They learn alertness and vigilance to respond quickly to everything in a perfect manner and at perfect timing.

  1.  Helps Attain Respect and Protection Women Deserve 

Women have all the freedom to do whatever their heart yearns for. Whatever their choice in a given situation, whatever activity they take or do not take, it’s not their misdemeanor and does not make them in charge of assault. The assailants overwhelm, assault and manhandle acrimoniously and these classes equip women with choices and methods to deal with such tricky circumstances. They also garner the feeling of respect and self-protection in situations with no one to rely upon.

Let us be equipped with self-defence strategies, look at life from a wider perspective, take it confidently and in a spirited manner as it comes by and be prepared to deal with any perilous situation. 

©Ritambhara Kumari Upadhyay

 Photos from the Internet

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